Thursday 10 April 2014

Pastor Caught In the Act With the Wife of A Military Officer

The saying " One bad egg spoils the whole crate" is a reality today with the current trend that some pastors are not reliable.As they deceive the men and women who go to them seeking help from God, thereby spoiling the name of the good ones .

Such is the case of the Senior Pastor and 'General Overseer ' of Maximum Deliverance Church,Pastor John Simon who was caught in the act of adultery with a top military officer's wife by the husband who had been monitoring them.
The fact still remains that many are called but few are chosen as it is said that the Pastor might be using "something on the women he loves to confuse them into being with him.
As seen in the photos, he had two women  who were nude with him in his bedroom,including the officer's wife when he was caught in the act.
Was it a case of "devil's work? If the Pastor is possessed by the devil, how will he cast out the evil forces from the lives of those that go to him....hmmm.

Please people by their fruits you shall know them... this one is no man of God.

1 comment:

  1. Dear beloved children of God in the ministry,
    Christian love and regards to you all. Saints of the Most High, lovers of God, followers of Christ, slaves of the Gospel, to all of you who confess Christ before men in word and good deeds, grace and peace to you from God our Father and Christ our Lord. We praise the Lord for giving you and us great opportunities to preach the Gospel freely and for opening the hearts of His people.
    We are pleased and honored to let you know that your nurturing and nourishing materials you put in your wonderful and precious website was a seed planted in our hearts and it will grow and bring forth much fruit when you will allow us to be part of the wonderful work you are doing so that together we can fulfill the will of God, lifting up the veil from the eyes of His people, for them to see Christ in their lives, that together we might bring Him glory and honor and faithfully build His Kingdom. Also our heartfelt goes out to everyone who continues to contribute in putting new teaching materials in your website for the benefit of God’s people around the world.
    We dedicate you and your ministry into the hands of Jehovah and request for your teaching materials, prayers and fellowship with our congregation.
    If God provides the opportunity we beseech that brothers make a MACEDONIAN TRIP here and help us. {Acts 16:9-10} We are based in Kenya and we shall be encouraged as you reply and share with us. We anticipate hearing from you soon. It is always an honor and blessing if you will accept us to part of your congregation. Please continue to put such wonderful teaching in the website for us to print and share with our believers here. We eagerly look forward to serving Him together with your congregation in the future if you will allow us to be accepted unto you. Eph. 1:6.
    A congregation well done by His faithful servants brings GLORY to Christ.
    Deeply in His grace Love,
