Tuesday 31 December 2013

A Fraustrated Woman-Part Two

Edna has been married to her husband Alexandra for a period of seven years,they are blessed with three lovely kids.
A Banker by profession Edna earns more money than the husband who does contracts that are not regular and when it comes Alex is unable to account for the ,money leaving Edna to fend for the upkeep of the home and the children's needs .

As at when due she pays the children's school fees but on this particular occasion due to the fact that she will not be able to  go and pay the children's fees she gave the responsibility of paying for the fees, the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty thousand naira (N450,000 )to her husband Alex .

Some weeks later their house rent which was the sum of  Seven hundred thousand naira (N700,000),was  due for payment and again the responsibility of making the payment fell on the shoulders of Alex ,who eagerly collected the money .

Time went by ,and  Edna was at home when the landlord came and requested for the rent,Edna confidently informed him that she had already made the payment.Then he told her that he had not received any form payment from them.Edna said she will get back to him when her husband Alex returns home as he was the one that made the payment .

On Alex's return ,Edna inquired about the payment of the rent and he stated that he had paid but was unable to produce proof of payment.After further investigation by Edna she discovered that Alex had spent the money which was meant for the rent,she was so upset ,as she had saved for it and now the husband has spent all the money ,how is she going to raise the money for the rent .

As if that was not enough ,while she was trying to resolve the rent  issue,the  school wrote to them that the children's school fees was yet to be paid ,that without payment of their fees ,the children will not be allowed to write their exams or allowed into the premises of the school

Her husband's irresponsibility was so upsetting to Edna that she is contemplating the idea of leaving her husband .

If you were in her shoes what will you do?

Man Impregnates Daughter

Evil some men do lives with them.In this case its in Edo State where a Augustine Obodeke,was arrested for having carnal knowledge of his teenage 17 years old Favour and impregnating her three times.The story came to light after taking in for the third pregnancy and was unwilling to go for an abortion .

According to the police report,the girl had cried out to neighbours who then reported the matter t the Ugbowo Police Station in Benin City.Following the report ,the police arrested Obodeke and he is currently cool locked up in a police cell.

Narrating her ordeal ,Favour said she started having sexual intercourse with her after the death of her mother.She said that after she had been impregnated by her Father twice, he would take her to a Doctor  at the Uselu area in Benin  with whom he had an arrangement to have an abortion done.But when he insisted that she had an abortion by the third time she refused in her words "father impregnated me the third time and told me that we should go for another abortion but I ran out of the house.He then threatened me to deal with me if I told anybody what has been happening between us".I have to cry out early in the morning which prompted our neighbours to intervene. Since my mother was late,anytime my father requested for sex I had no choice than but to allow him have sex with me" Favour explained.
In his account,Obodeke did not deny that he had been sleeping with his daughter and that had impregnated her thrice. However he attributed it to his inability to remarry and the death of his wife.
In his own words,"It is true that I have been having sex with my own daughter.When she became pregnant the first time ,I took her to one one of my doctors at Uselu Quarters who terminated the pregnancy.I impregnated her the second time,I took her to the same doctor who terminated the pregnancy again .It was when I impregnated her the third time that she refused to follow me to  the doctor for the abortion.
I decided to be having sex with my daughter because my wife is late and I have not remarried. I decided to enjoy my own daughter by having sex with her.I want my daughter to forgive me because I have sinned against her. NOBODY TOLD ME THAT WHAT I WAS DOING TO MY DAUGHTER WAS AN ABOMINATION. I thought I was enjoying the sex with my daughter"he said.

The Edo Stae Commissioner of Police ,Mr Folusho Adebanjo stated that the man was arrested on November 22,2013.He also explained that the doctor who terminated the first pregnancies was still at large.He however assured that the suspect would soon be charged to court to face the consequences of his action

Sunday 29 December 2013

Woman Loses Pregnancy due to the beating received from her Lebanese Boss

According to a National  Daily Newspaper,a 7 month pregnant factory worker was beaten  Lebanese by her Employer to the state that she lost her pregnancy

  Workers in Lagos based packaging and printing company Toppan Packaging Company Limited located on Ladipo Oluwole in Ikeja Industrial Estate could not believe what they witnessed on Friday December 13th,2013 
When the shift mamnager ,a Lebanese,Kaveh Noine beat up the Cleaning Unit Supervisor,Mrs Alice Ossai in their presence,due to what he deemed grouse negligence on her part,as  a portion of the factory is littered with dirt and she failed in her responsibility to get her team to keep the factory spic and span.
        Frantic  efforts by Ossai to explain why the portion was littered with dirt, even Noine after she was assaulted was rebuffed by Noine who shouted her down and asked her to come with him to his office fuming with rage;exasperated staff members on duty went in with Ossai in a bid to collectively expalin the supposed duty breach. Noine rained blows on Ossai and kicking her repeatedly,without sparing her tummy even though she was seven months pregnant.
Like many Nigerians working under similar conditions,she took everything calmly even though she compained to her friends that she was in deep pain,she put up a bold face and continued with her duty,bearing the shame and physical assault in her stride all i a bid to secure her job and that of her siblings who also works in the same company.threached e news 

However; when the news of her assault reached her two siblings they made an attempt to retaliate on her behalf,Ossai dissuaded them from physically roughing up Noine begging them to consider the financial burden they bear with the twelve thousand naira monthly salary paid each of them,as any attempt to confront Noine will eventually lead to their collective loss of income. a situation they can not cope with giving the fact that they have an aged sick mother to take care of well as other regular and emerging bills to pay

Pregnant Ossai was helped home by some of her co-workers and her siblings tha day;she resumed  work the next day a saturday 14th December even as in the pain continued  intermittently,even in pains and being pregnant,she carried out her supervisory cleaning assignments in order to save the family income.

On Sunday she rested at home being a work free day,even as the pin increased. she resumed w ork on monday but the pain had increased considerably and she leaned on the mop stick and clutched her stomach.By 10pm on Monday she noticed patches of blood on her underwear,the flow progressed steadily and rapidly into clots of blood dripping out of her.

Family members had to rush her to Glorious Mercy Hospital close to her house where a Ceasarian section was carried out on Ossai,the Medical Director said that Ossai prognosis revealed that the placenta progressively detached from the walls of her uterus,thereby oxygen and other vital nutrients were denied her foetus,in the days after the assault,hence the need to evacuate and save Ossai's life

Efforts by Ossai's family members to arrest Noine yielded no result as he was said to have traveled to Canada on official assignment but National Daily newspapers investigation team discovered that Noine was indee in the office when a detachment of policemen from Lagos Area F Police Command stormed the Oluwole Ladipo office of Toppan Packaging Company to effect his arrest.he hid in one of the disused offices and was later ferried out through the rear gate. Staff members pointedly assert that the police detachment is in collusion with the management as they failed to conduct a thorough even when they were given a tip about his where about.

The victim's family members refused to leave the premises of the company since they were aware that Noine was hiding and that the policemen that came were playing to the gallery.It took a detachment from the State Anti Robbery Squad  (SARS) allegedly brought in by the Company's management to forcibly dispersed them on Tuesday the 17th December.

All  attempt by National Daily to get an audience with the a\Area F Commander and the investigating Police Officer (IPO) over this incident as at press time proved abortive,but one of the inspectors who was on the failed arrest bid this medium to the Public Relation Uit of the Command at Oduduwa in Ikeja.

The company's Administrative Executive Mr Abass acknowledged the arrest bid and direct incident but adds that the company has settled with the Police and that every enquiry over the matter had been resolved both with the police  Several calls made to Ngozi Braide Lagos State Public Relations Officer was not picked or returned.

Sources ay that this is one of the many physical assaults meted out by the said Noine on casual staff members on weekly basis .On Saturday December 7,Noine slapped and kicked one Ayo whom he dismissed from work nd made to forfeit payments and monies due him.\

Elvis Ossai ,Alice's spouse said the fate that befell his wife is quite unfortunate and avoidable.he offered that the officers and men of Lagos Area F command disappointed him over the way and manner they handled investigation into the incident. 'I make bold to say to Nigerians that they connived with the management of Toppan Packaging Company to shield a foreigner who beat up a Nigerian in her own country from facing justice.The assault on my wife led to the loss of  seven month pregnant,instead of naming ceremony we just conducted the funeral.We were denied the joy of parenthood juts as we were looking forward to it"Elvis said in an emotional laden voice


A Frustrated Woman -Part One

Every woman wants to be love and be loved in return. Even the woman whose heart is supposedly made of stone loves something or someone .What drives a woman to the point of being harmful both to herself and her family?

There are women who are just pure Jezebels at heart simply mean to the very core of their existence ,such  a woman, it is better to live with the Greek myth Medusa than living with such a woman as it can be hell . However ,I am talking about a good ,humble,caring loving woman. Who just went berserk one day and was no longer  as loving and caring as she was before.

The dutiful wife decides to be a rebel in her home after she talks to her husband about her needs. Her needs entails her spouse being  sensitive to her emotional needs and it is not about sex or being materialistic. 

This brings to mind a story of a woman who got married in the 80's .She had put her husband through the University so that they can have a better life.After the sacrifice the husband's attitude towards her changed ,he was no longer the caring man he was before. She tried to reach out to him by talking to him  but he was far gone .

He would beat her and throw her belongings out of the house and tell her to leave his house and his life but being that she did not have anywhere else to go she would wait out his anger at her neighbour's flat and go back and beg her husband to take her back.

When all levels of communication had been exhausted the and tried to get the husband's family to talk to him all to no avail .The husband also informed her that he was marrying a second wife.She said she felt used ,when she thought about all she had been through because of her husband due to the fact that her family was against her marrying him as a result  they had abandoned her because she was adamant and went ahead to marry her husband .

She waited for him to come home ,tried to reason with him once again and when she realized his mind was made up she went into the kitchen and came back with a steaming red hot knife that she had put on the gas stabbed herself  in front of her husband .

Tragic isn't it.Her fraustration got the best of her.if she had a psychologist then she would have been able to know what to do.That was then what would a woman in our generation do ? Look out for Part Two .       

Saturday 28 December 2013

SHOCKING! Banker Slices Husband Magic Wand with Knife

Sights and Sounds of the City

Mr & Mrs Daniju

This unusual story culled from PM News gets one wondering what would drive a wife to the point of wanting not only to inflict pain on her husband but to cut off the precious reproductive organ of the man as reported below.

The popular saying that "hell hath no fury than a woman scorned came to pass on Monday at the Surulere residence of a banker, Bimbo Ajetumobi Daniju and her gospel singer husband Olalekan Idowu Daniju when the woman was said to have taken a knife and sliced her husband's penis during a fight.
Bimbo , staff of a new generation bank in Lagos was said to have accused her husband of not taking care of her and their only child, Opeoluwa. The husband disagreed and while fighting,Bimbo allegedly seized her husband's penis and sliced it with a knife.Bimbo denied using a knife but fingernails to teach her husband a lesson on how to treat a woman.The ugly incident happened on Monday at their Falolu Street,Surulere home.

The matter was reported to the police at Surulere station and the woman was arrested.In her statement to the police,Bimbo denied using a knife on her husband's penis but her fingernails.

She was later released on bail when her husband insisted that he was not interested in pressing charges against her.

Trouble started on 16 December when the banker who is a staff of the Agege Motor Road branch of the bank,accused her husband who has just returned from the church, of failing to provide for the needs of the family and leaving her to do everything. She also accused him of being selfish and uncaring.

She reportedly shouted at Olalekan who was eating and when he didn't answer,poured the food on his head.She took the bucket found in the room and smashed it on his head.  This resulted in fighting.

Their neighbours separated them and Olalekan went to his sister's shop to seek refuge but not done yet, Bimbo allegedly followed him there and threatened to stab him with a broken bottle.
Relatives and neighbours,it was gathered intervened and pleaded with the couple to give peace a chance but the couple continued to live like cat and mouse.

Madam Kehinde  Daniju,sister of Olalekan told PM News that when her brother ran to her for help,she had to call their mother and relatives to settle the matter for them in the family house they lived.

She explained that Bimbo's mother who also lived around the area came and told her daughter not to accept reconciliation until Olalekan got a job. She blamed the couple's constant disagreement on Olalekan's refusal to get a job.

When she was leavingshe took along the couple'sonly son,Opeoluwa Daniju.

This did not go down well with Olalekan who ordered his wife to go to her mother's house and bring his son back before 8pm or there would be trouble.

It was said that Bimbo left the house before 8 pm and returned 30 minutes later without Opeoluwa.This resulted in  another round of fighting during which neighbours and relatives intervened again to separate them.

Narrating his story,Olalekan siad he woke her up on Sunday to ask what she  would be wearing to the  church so that he could iron it but she didn't reply.
"I picked up my son's cloth,ironed it,bathed him,had my bath and left both of them at home and went to church . In between the service ,I came home to check on them and I met her cooking,I even joked that thank God here's something for them to eat.

"I went back to church  and after the service I was hungry I bought bread and beans to eat and as I got inside my boy told me he also wanted to eat bread and I gave it to him.

When she learnt that I gave the boy bread , she said I didn't bother to ask her where she got the money to prepare rice that she ate and started  calling me several unprintable names.
"I responded again and this time it was a huge mistake.she just came near me,carried the plate of beans and pourthe food on my head.She held my tie shouting and cursing me at the same time.I managed to extricate myself from her grip and ran out . She nearly suffocated me with the tie. She pursued me and broke a plastic bucket on my head but I continued to run.She picked up a bottle,broke it and threatened to stab me with it. This is a woman that  is about  five month pregnant.
Ï ran to my sister's shop and tried to involve her but she stayed out of the matter because they all know that she is rude,stubborn and violent. There was a day she and her brothers came here with thugs from Ojuelegba they wanted to beat up everybody here. She has chased me on the street with all sort of dangerous things. I don't know what she really wants to achieve with all this but that day,her mum came,my mum's sister came also and they tried to resolve the whole thing.

"I saw my mum's sister off and before I came back ,my mother-in-law had taken my son away and I was like we are trying to solve one issue and you trying to cause another problem. I told her that if by 8pm that evening my child is not back home,she would not find it funny.

"I said that to make her know that i was serious but she said that there's nothing I can do.She left the house before 8 pm and came back 30 minutes later without my son. She took her bath and went to sleep. I went to my sister and told her I am going to my mother-in-law's house to get my child but my family asked me not to go there. At that time,I was tired,confused and hungry. I picked up my laptop but while /I was trying to watch a movie, I fell asleep in the sitting room.

"She woke me up at about 2 am. I was in a pair of boxer shorts.She told me that it is either I kill her or she kills me and within seconds she had torn my shorts. This was not surprising anyway as she had torn many of  my clothes in the past.She said, "I  am going to kill you this morning. You think I am joking". The whole thing happened so fast I just felt her hand holding my penis, and the next thing was blood flowing. I started shouting and crying for her to take me to the hospital.

She said, "hospital ke that where you are going to die today"and that was the last I saw her . I don't know how she left the house at the time of the night. She changed her clothes,took a big bag and left ,only for us to see her two days later at the police station. There and then , I decided I can not continue living with her , she could just decide to put poison in my food and kill me one day.

"Its only a person that's alive that can explain anything . She could just poison me and cook up  story just like she did at the police station , where she told the police that I woke her up at 2 am and started hitting her, almost beating her to death and the officers clapped for her lovely story. The officers asked how come I did all that and she had the strength to run away and she didn't go to the hospital and there was no doctor's report. The person you injured brought his own medical report, we could see that the injury was bandaged.

'The officer told her that there's no mark on her to signify being beaten,she replied,hat she didn't go to any hospital because there was no mark on her ,she lso claimed that she didn't use any knife but that she used fingernails to scratch my penis"he said.

Efforts to speak with Bimbo at her mother;s home proved abortive as our reporter was prevented from talking to her.

See the pictures of the sliced magic wand after the cut...viewer discretion advised


Friday 27 December 2013

Who needs help the most ;the Man or Woman

The way of a man with a woman is still a mystery.Odd stories are told every day but this gave me a mixed feeling  that I just had to share it.We have activist pages fighting over Domestic abuse /violence against women yet we there is a story that is shreds what these activist represents.

There is woman who is very pretty for the purpose of this story lets call her Mrs X and is married to Mr  X aka Danny Devito, (he is very short).The issue is that he beats her up so much that he draws the attention of the neighbours .

One day after an outing, when they got back home there was no light, PHCN had struck as usual,the  controlling husband Mr X told her to turn on the generator; as a "dutiful" wife she was on her way to turn on the gen when he got upset that she had not opened the door for him to enter the house before going to turn on gen, he was so angry that he pounced on her and  beat the living daylight out of her  .After beating her up he stormed out of the compound and did not come back home that night.

However Mrs X's female neighbours  felt enough was enough and came together to console her and give her a word of advice, telling her to take her children and  leave Mr X before she suffers a worse fate as he is just too brutal with her,but to their amazement Mrs X  still sobbing said, she can not leave Mr X as sex with him is out of this world,that he is a fantastic lover as no one can make love to her the way he does!

Biko who needs help the most ?... 

My Husband keeps a Baby By another woman after forcing me to abort TWICE!!!

Dear UNDW,

I am a married ,40year old middle aged woman with three kids ,I once got pregnant and my husband forced me to abort the pregnancy,He argued that he doesn't want more children! after a strong heated arguement i gave in and aborted the pregnancy.
Sometime later,i got pregnant again and the same scene played out again and he forced me to get rid of the pregnancy and i aborted for the second time.

Now after the problem is that after i had aborted twice,he cheated on me and impregnated another woman and wants her to keep the pregnancy.I told him I refuse and will not stay with his illegitimate child since he forced me to abort my last two pregnancies. Now he is saying the child is not the one who forced me to abort my own pregnancies that the baby will stay with me.

I still love my husband but I am really finding it hard to come to terms with staying with his illegitimate .

I am desperatley in need of advice,please help .What do I do?

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Reflection on the Meaning of Yuletide

What does the Yuletide mean to us?

Is it a time to be merry or a time to be sober and think about the coming new year?
Do we take time to actually love our spouse and show him/her how much we love and appreciate them?
Is it a time to solicit for gifts for our kids and loved ones while we forget about our needs and wants?
Is it a time to solicit for gifts for ourselves?
Is a time to pick fights to avoid responsibilities or spending quality time with our families?
Is it a time to eat the best of meals while those around us do not have a grain of rice to eat?
Is it a time to be frivolous and get drunk while partying with our loved ones or friends?
Is it a time we just want to forget about the struggles of the year and just have fun?
Is it a time to display wealth acquired during year?
Or is it a time to reflect on how the year has been so far and count your blessings and look forward to the future with greater purpose

Whatever Yuletide means to you ,show love not only to the have-nots but also to your loved ones,appreciate them for tolerating you through out the year and loving you for being you. As the reason for the season is unadulterated LOVE.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday 23 December 2013

The story below is culled from Nigeria Info Fm (chat Station with Onome)

  Here is an unedited mail I  received.Read her story below and share your views...

I am a married woman.Been married for 4yrs plus.I met my husband and immediately after leaving a very bad relationship that left me heartbroken . All  I wanted at that time was friendship cos i wasn't ready for another relationship. But he wanted more.After much pressure from him  and my elder sister,we started dating.

From  the very beginning ,there was no love  and no 'connection'.I liked him  
as a friend,but didn't exactly love him,but my sister said it was better that way. That all I need is a good man .And yes my husband is a good man,at least in character,and we get along well ,but that's all there is to our marriage .

I actually discussed my him reservations with him before we got married and even wanted to call off the wedding before we got married, but he sort of convinced me that it will get better. I had a  lot of premonitions but my mistake was confiding in my sister who waved my reservations aside and advised me to go ahead with it.After all, she has been married for 12yrs and should know better.

And so we got married,its been 4yrs and nothing has changed. We are just like a brother and sister living together. No emotions whatsoever. He hardly talks to me,and when i try to chat him up he calls it nagging. We hardly touch each other, we make love once in awhile and usually in a mechanical way. and even the once in awhile has stopped completely for more than 6 months now.

I late realized that he was a complete recluse,has low sperm count,weak erection, and other issues and he just wanted stability. To be fair i did my best to spice things up and make it work but he always rebuffed or sometimes ignored my efforts and gets defensive when i try come to come with possible solutions.i prayed ,I fasted and did all i know to do but he remained aloof and so i let him be. and then when i decided to leave he suddenly became ready to work things out and claims to love me and has been distracted by other things.

The problem is he has totally killed whatever litle emotion that once existed btw us. when he attempted to touch me again after such a long time i felt completely irritated.His touch has become alien to my body and i cringe at his touch 

There is no child  binding us together and that makes it even worse cos in the marriage nothing gives me  joy.My entire being is screaming for me to  leave.I have never cheated on him,even if i have tempted to several times.And i don't want to,but i don't know how long i can go like this.I had rather leave than cheat.But since he is now ready to make some effort before i make i my final decision, is  anything i can do to make things work ? is there possibly anything i can try? has anyone been in this situation before and was able to work things out? Can I possibly develop any interest in him again?


Wednesday 18 December 2013

It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on Earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had. - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Singles Do Not Judge the married

When single men and women that feel they are invincible.They have that carefree attitude to life are certain that they will not degenerate into the conservative Husband or Wife when they get  married.

However as the saying  goes in Nigeria,"Its not what you say  on your way to the market ,you say on you way back"("No be story dem de talk go market dem dey talk come back")

The society and trend expects the singles to be married by a given age,if they are not you see their elders asking them what they are waiting for.Finally they see who they want t settle down with .

After waiting for one's better half,the singles will always find it difficult to comprehend why the married lets down their guard because of the way they look.The man has probably developed pot belly and dresses shabily while the woman looks  drab and unkept .

As stated "when i was a boy i talked like a boy walked like a boy but when i became a man...In Nigeria we simply say "Obi is not a boy anymore"
This simply connotes the phases f life for both men and women.The responsible man thinks about how to move his family forward,while the woman now thinks about the home,children,money,extended family and immediate family,in addition the career minded woman also adds her career challenges  to the home front and have to strike a balance 

There are different factors that contribute these changes in the man and woman and they are as follows:

  • Communication - Lack of communication between the spouse can be very frustrating. It is paramount they listen to each other because if they do not it could be strenuous not only on their relationship but also mentally on them as individuals .
  • Money- Finance plays  key role . some people say "money answers all problems "but i say it answers MOST .As it is what enables the man and woman have play their role in the family
  • Children - Being accountable for human being(s) is a huge responsibility especially when you are responsible for bringing the person into the world because great  parents rather satisfy their kids than themselves
  • Family - Striking with both extended and immediate family can be "wonderful "
  • Attitude  The man and woman's attitude to each other and the environment is vital,because as the pressure mounts so will their desire for sex depreciate and they will be more attuned to their lives as the stereotype  man and wife than they were when they first got married.This is quite the opposite for the singles as they are not committed to anyone or each other as the married are.

Hence it is imperative to lay emphasis on the fact that being married is not the same as being single.It is not by choice that the married seem to be laid back about things the singles hold in high esteem as it is due to the challenges and the conditions life presents to them.

It could be difficult for the singles to comprehend this but the taste of the pudding is in the eating.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Wedding Anniversary Names

1st  - Paper
2nd - Cotton
3rd - Leather
4th - Fruit/Flower
5th - Wood
6th - Sugar
7th - Wool
8th - Bronze
9th - Pottery
10th - Tin
11th - Steel
12th -  Silk/Linen
13th - Lace
14th - Ivory
15th - Crystal
20th - China
25th - Silver
30th - Pearl
35th - Coral
40th - Ruby
45th - Sapphire
50th- Gold
55th - Emerald
66th - Diamond


"When you forgive,you heal your own anger and hurt and are able to lead again . Its like spring cleaning  for your heart" - Marci Shimoff

Do you agree.?

 Sometimes it seems like the pain will never go away because it hurts so much at the time. The naked truth is that pain gives the one who hurt you  power over you because you still care so much about the one   who must have hurt you .

Women and Men have been hurt by their spouse in one way or the other that it can be so devastating. There are different reactions to different  situations

A man could tell his wife secrets about his life and finances after being ,married to her for period of thirty (30) years only to find same woman using this information about  her once loved spouse to her advantage to ruin and hurt him and vice versa  

A woman could  have given her all to her man ,put him through higher institution ,sacrificed her life for her  marriage by living her life for her family only to be abandoned by same family later on or when she needed them the most   and vice versa .

A woman could be abused emotionally ,physically and mentally,daily at home but will always take her spouse back after he apologizes if he apologizes.

Infidelity is a topical that crops up on both men and women today. Infidelity gives fruit to so many pains that though women are more likely to  forgive ,but will not be forget . The men on the other are most likely not to forgive or forget.

Trust is vital in any relationship; all of the above is betrayal of trust from both parties ,yet men and women all have to find a common ground to live amicably for no one is infallible.

Forgiveness is paramount in a relationship as it heals the soul of all bitterness and purifies the it .

Friday 13 December 2013

On Sights & sounds of the House wife: Brother impregnates Sister

A 24 year old man identified as  Ndifreke Uko  has allegedly impregnated his younger sister Otobong Uko.

The incident which occurred at Ikang Etta street in Calabar Municipality of Cross River State ,has kept residents wondering why the two siblings engaged in such an abominable act.

Narrating her ordeal ,Otobong said :"My brother has been having regular  sex with me until i suddenly realized what the whole thing was all about". when i noticed it, i told my father but , he advised me not to make it public,until three months after when i realized that i had missed my period".

But the same  Ndifreke was alleged to have also impregnated one of his sisters some years ago, as this is not the first time it is happening.

Daily Post gathered that an attempt  to terminate the pregnancy was said to have led to the death of the girl.

Neighbours in the compound refused to comment on the matter , while property belonging to  the Uko family had been thrown out of the compound

Who would you blame?

Thursday 12 December 2013

17 Hard Truths Ladies must Know

No.1 - A broken engagement is better than a broken marriage.

No  2- An engagement ring is not an assurance for marriage,it could possibly make you his regular sex-mate or money making machine if you are rich .

No 3- Men love sex at least 95% that i am aware of .To him ,if you can not continue,do not start,do not stop! Be careful.

No 4- If what attracted him to you are your sexy legs and boobs you flaunted,the contents of your brain had better keep him else ,there are too many well shaped and bigger boobs waiting to snatch him away. Stay sharp! 

No 5- when you have dated him for  6-12 months and he does not include you in his future plans ask him questions ,do not assume he is going to marry you.

No 6- Do not waste your years waiting for an unserious man to propose because his parents love you.You are going to live with the man not his  parents .

No 7-  When you seek his advice you make him feel more of a man than he is

No 8- When you encourage and show concern about his career or job,he will  be more motivated than  listening to any motivational tape 

No 9 - Though you trust each other a display of jealousy occasionally reminds him that you care.
Men love being given  attention and being of he center of his lady's world .try to listen to him at all times .

No 10- The way to a man's heart is no longer food ONLY ...do the maths

No 11- A  Man that slaps you before marriage will build a boxing ring in your home  after and guess who is his opponent...YOU!  

No 12- If you are yet to meet any member of his family 6-12 months of courting then he is being very sly he because does not want  you to track him after he disappears and meeting family does guaranty that he loves you and wants to settle with you either .

No 13- When you are already living with him before marriage,he won't propose quickly  

No 14- If both your blood types is AS please do not get because of having kids with SS .

No 15- If your man is Tall Dark and Handsome then be ready to the 2nd best because what you desire others seek as well unless he decides be faithful. 

No 16- if you allow your parents pressure (even for a grandchild) push you into marriage you will wind up a single mom.

No 17- Don't endure domestic abuse in your marriage for the sake of your kids or  what people will say .If you die the man will marry someone else and she will take your place as the mother to your children. 

Do you agree with this ?

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Why Did I get Married?

After the Wedding party then comes the Marriage. This is a topic that is so  vast due to the number  people in the world that got married for various reasons

Men and women have different reasons for getting married to their spouses;with emphasis on the women. Some women got married because he is TDH (tall dark & handsome),or for protection, fame, money, convenience, sex, to flee an abusive/dysfunctional home, for love,or maybe there was no other man knocking on her door at time for marriage and she decided to "manage" him.

 For whatever reasons they decided to settle for their spouse,it is mutual love, respect , patience, friendship and  companionship which goes a long way to keep the marriage alive.

Our Lord Jesus said the greatest commandment is "To  love your neighbour as yourself'".If a man and  woman treat each other the way they as individuals want to be treated there will be no room for divorce.

There are cases of women in marriages that are not  favourable in one way or the another (that's a  topic for another day).The woman cooks,cleans cares for her immediate family and the extended family but no one takes cognizance of her effort and the thanks she gets is probably being told that she is JOBLESS or have been home doing nothing (trade places biko) or worse, being told that she does not dress like the cute "highflying butter creamish, butter does not melt in my mouth women". Not bearing in mind that she has dedicated her self  to caring for the man and making his house a home.

When she is sick ,she cares for herself , no one pampers her and in her lonely moments she might brood and ask  herself "why did i get married?" Yet she finds the strength to keep going while in  pains or tears and giving herself reasons why she should remain in an unhappy marriage

There have been women who are uneducated or educated and have not worked a day since their wedding day, sacrificing so much like selling their wrapper, jewelries and more to educate and care for the kids because they had been abandoned by her husband or partner. Also there are kid(s) disowned by the supposed father and the woman finds herself taking care of the kid(s). After enduring so much the man rears his head and comes back to the children's lives when they are all grown and doing  well. 

There are also cases of women kicked out of their matrimonial home because they could not  bear male children probably they have seven (7)  female children the father abandones them because of a woman he had an affair with has given him a SON and the abandoned woman could lament  "Why did i get married to this man?" but still draws strength from her children.

Domestic violence of women is another menace .A woman who has been emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually broken and battered that she thinks that it happens to all women.

However its not all bad, there are a lot of wonderful God fearing men out there that are the exact opposite of the former specie of men ,who love their wives and vice versa.

This couple though they will have their challenges, are spiritually, socially, morally and psychologically equipped to handle these challenges as they comprehend that marriage can be a win win situation ,by loving ,respecting, enduring each other 's bad habits in an endearing manner and not in being irritated by their spouse's short comings

The reasons why we get married varies but it has to be for the right reasons,as the institution of marriage can be wonderful not fairytale-like, but its worth it with the right man or woman.

Welcome to UnitedDesperateHousewivesn

Welcome to UnitedDesperateHousewivesn

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Marriage is an institution from God.

People have gone through this institution having either good or bad experiences.
The bittersweet institution entails a whole field of life ranging from religion,money,health,food,sex,love,family,children and marital challenges .
This platform is an avenue  for us women to share our wealth of experiences,by sharing our views and shedding light on the issues that are grievous. Therefore  aiding fellow women who may not be able to reach out and  help them  have access to help on their finger tips. and insight to  given situations .

Welcome to the world of United Desperate Housewives.