Monday 23 December 2013

The story below is culled from Nigeria Info Fm (chat Station with Onome)

  Here is an unedited mail I  received.Read her story below and share your views...

I am a married woman.Been married for 4yrs plus.I met my husband and immediately after leaving a very bad relationship that left me heartbroken . All  I wanted at that time was friendship cos i wasn't ready for another relationship. But he wanted more.After much pressure from him  and my elder sister,we started dating.

From  the very beginning ,there was no love  and no 'connection'.I liked him  
as a friend,but didn't exactly love him,but my sister said it was better that way. That all I need is a good man .And yes my husband is a good man,at least in character,and we get along well ,but that's all there is to our marriage .

I actually discussed my him reservations with him before we got married and even wanted to call off the wedding before we got married, but he sort of convinced me that it will get better. I had a  lot of premonitions but my mistake was confiding in my sister who waved my reservations aside and advised me to go ahead with it.After all, she has been married for 12yrs and should know better.

And so we got married,its been 4yrs and nothing has changed. We are just like a brother and sister living together. No emotions whatsoever. He hardly talks to me,and when i try to chat him up he calls it nagging. We hardly touch each other, we make love once in awhile and usually in a mechanical way. and even the once in awhile has stopped completely for more than 6 months now.

I late realized that he was a complete recluse,has low sperm count,weak erection, and other issues and he just wanted stability. To be fair i did my best to spice things up and make it work but he always rebuffed or sometimes ignored my efforts and gets defensive when i try come to come with possible solutions.i prayed ,I fasted and did all i know to do but he remained aloof and so i let him be. and then when i decided to leave he suddenly became ready to work things out and claims to love me and has been distracted by other things.

The problem is he has totally killed whatever litle emotion that once existed btw us. when he attempted to touch me again after such a long time i felt completely irritated.His touch has become alien to my body and i cringe at his touch 

There is no child  binding us together and that makes it even worse cos in the marriage nothing gives me  joy.My entire being is screaming for me to  leave.I have never cheated on him,even if i have tempted to several times.And i don't want to,but i don't know how long i can go like this.I had rather leave than cheat.But since he is now ready to make some effort before i make i my final decision, is  anything i can do to make things work ? is there possibly anything i can try? has anyone been in this situation before and was able to work things out? Can I possibly develop any interest in him again?



  1. Life is beautiful if u want it 2 be, it all abt u.
    I feel your pain, I can immagin the sleepless night u most have had, but thing can still change.
    I had similar experience when I 1st got married,but with prayers,and patience I was able to manage d situation. Living him will only cause u more pain,if u re sure he is a good man as u have rightly said in your write ups,I think u should give him a second chance since he is ready 2 change.
    Men are like babies they want to be loved,adore and respect, u can make your home a paradise if u choose to.
    I think u should call him sit him down let him see reason why things most change, love him ,encouraged him to see a doctor go with him if that will make him feel better, assure him u are in this together.
    Remember hating him will not help u. I am telling you this from experience, with God love can turn things around, lastly there is power in your touge.speak what you want to see in your marriage and it will come to marriage is now 6+ and it like we met just yesterday.I have a son and now I m pregnant with a set of twins.
    Don't leave your home , you can make it a Paradise if you make up your mind 2 day.
    Thank you

  2. You guys should get out of your normal... Take a break together and get to discover each other a lot more than you can visualize right now... Spend more time together. He is probably shying away because of His "weaknesses"... You should be his strength and courage to overcome it all. It begins with you... Take your man to His next level... He needs to know you believe in him despite the odds... THEN WATCH YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE... Cheers.
