Thursday 12 December 2013

17 Hard Truths Ladies must Know

No.1 - A broken engagement is better than a broken marriage.

No  2- An engagement ring is not an assurance for marriage,it could possibly make you his regular sex-mate or money making machine if you are rich .

No 3- Men love sex at least 95% that i am aware of .To him ,if you can not continue,do not start,do not stop! Be careful.

No 4- If what attracted him to you are your sexy legs and boobs you flaunted,the contents of your brain had better keep him else ,there are too many well shaped and bigger boobs waiting to snatch him away. Stay sharp! 

No 5- when you have dated him for  6-12 months and he does not include you in his future plans ask him questions ,do not assume he is going to marry you.

No 6- Do not waste your years waiting for an unserious man to propose because his parents love you.You are going to live with the man not his  parents .

No 7-  When you seek his advice you make him feel more of a man than he is

No 8- When you encourage and show concern about his career or job,he will  be more motivated than  listening to any motivational tape 

No 9 - Though you trust each other a display of jealousy occasionally reminds him that you care.
Men love being given  attention and being of he center of his lady's world .try to listen to him at all times .

No 10- The way to a man's heart is no longer food ONLY the maths

No 11- A  Man that slaps you before marriage will build a boxing ring in your home  after and guess who is his opponent...YOU!  

No 12- If you are yet to meet any member of his family 6-12 months of courting then he is being very sly he because does not want  you to track him after he disappears and meeting family does guaranty that he loves you and wants to settle with you either .

No 13- When you are already living with him before marriage,he won't propose quickly  

No 14- If both your blood types is AS please do not get because of having kids with SS .

No 15- If your man is Tall Dark and Handsome then be ready to the 2nd best because what you desire others seek as well unless he decides be faithful. 

No 16- if you allow your parents pressure (even for a grandchild) push you into marriage you will wind up a single mom.

No 17- Don't endure domestic abuse in your marriage for the sake of your kids or  what people will say .If you die the man will marry someone else and she will take your place as the mother to your children. 

Do you agree with this ?

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