Wednesday 18 December 2013

Singles Do Not Judge the married

When single men and women that feel they are invincible.They have that carefree attitude to life are certain that they will not degenerate into the conservative Husband or Wife when they get  married.

However as the saying  goes in Nigeria,"Its not what you say  on your way to the market ,you say on you way back"("No be story dem de talk go market dem dey talk come back")

The society and trend expects the singles to be married by a given age,if they are not you see their elders asking them what they are waiting for.Finally they see who they want t settle down with .

After waiting for one's better half,the singles will always find it difficult to comprehend why the married lets down their guard because of the way they look.The man has probably developed pot belly and dresses shabily while the woman looks  drab and unkept .

As stated "when i was a boy i talked like a boy walked like a boy but when i became a man...In Nigeria we simply say "Obi is not a boy anymore"
This simply connotes the phases f life for both men and women.The responsible man thinks about how to move his family forward,while the woman now thinks about the home,children,money,extended family and immediate family,in addition the career minded woman also adds her career challenges  to the home front and have to strike a balance 

There are different factors that contribute these changes in the man and woman and they are as follows:

  • Communication - Lack of communication between the spouse can be very frustrating. It is paramount they listen to each other because if they do not it could be strenuous not only on their relationship but also mentally on them as individuals .
  • Money- Finance plays  key role . some people say "money answers all problems "but i say it answers MOST .As it is what enables the man and woman have play their role in the family
  • Children - Being accountable for human being(s) is a huge responsibility especially when you are responsible for bringing the person into the world because great  parents rather satisfy their kids than themselves
  • Family - Striking with both extended and immediate family can be "wonderful "
  • Attitude  The man and woman's attitude to each other and the environment is vital,because as the pressure mounts so will their desire for sex depreciate and they will be more attuned to their lives as the stereotype  man and wife than they were when they first got married.This is quite the opposite for the singles as they are not committed to anyone or each other as the married are.

Hence it is imperative to lay emphasis on the fact that being married is not the same as being single.It is not by choice that the married seem to be laid back about things the singles hold in high esteem as it is due to the challenges and the conditions life presents to them.

It could be difficult for the singles to comprehend this but the taste of the pudding is in the eating.

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