Thursday 23 January 2014

5 Wrong Reasons To Marry & 11 Wrong Attitude/Choices in Marriage

There are several wrong reasons or foundations for marriage.Marriage is not a game but an institution that ends at the death of the partners as agreed in the term"Till Death Do Us Part".Even if they decide to get a divorce ,its on record and when children are involved ,it brings both parents together to a round table.

There are different reasons a man chooses his bride and or a woman chooses her groom,if they are founded on the following,it could be heading for the rocks at the inception of the marriage without the parties concerned knowing.

The Following are the  wrong foundation for choosing a spouse,

  • Wealth- if they go into it for monetary gain ,what if the money fizzles out,what then?
  • Fame- This is when an unknown face is in a romantically linked with a celebrity ,what happens when the fame fizzles out or you can not condole the celebrity's excesses,what then?
  • Physical Features- If the man is an Adonis or the lady is very beautiful.his is a vain reason as beauty fades ,what then?
  • Attitude-Some people are drawn to men or woman who are proud,such people could treat your family with disdain especially if the partner's family is of a humble background.
  • Sex- It is important for most people to be sexually compatible with  their spouse,so they tend to do IT and feel they can tolerate whatever comes along because he or she is an excellent lover. 
There is also the wrong motive and attitude in the marriage.The following are wrong choices in marriage
  • Selfishness-The spouse should be sensitive the partner's need,in and out of bed. 
  • Greed- The partner wants to have it all to him or herself ,maybe she earns more than he does ,she is looking like a super model while her husband looks like the driver.It is important to take care of the spouse that does not earn so much.
  • Lack Of Sex- This is a serious problem.A man could deny his wife of sex for months just because he wants to prove a point ,and knowing that she will not cheat on him and vice versa.
  • Infertility - For some men or women once they have tried for a baby and its been medically diagnosed that it either their husband or wife's fault .immediately there will be finger pointing and before you know it they  are always at logger heads ,till they go their separate ways.
  • Nagging- Some men but women are renowned for it.It can drive a spouse crazy especially when all they just need at a particular time is peace.
  • Lack Of Respect- Respect for one another is important as it is important to note though respect is earned ,it is reciprocal.If spouses learn to treat each other with respect there are certain things they will never say or treat them with spite.
  • Abusive-In a domestic abusive relationship? It is better to get out before someone gets hurts.
  • Family Meeting-  When one has a misunderstanding with the spouse ,he /she calls a family meeting,to thrash the issue at hand .It CAN not WILL ,after all some issues have been resolved between a husband and wife i such meetings however,it is important to note that every married couple has misunderstanding but it is better to try to resolve your misunderstanding in the privacy of your bedroom and not air your dirty linen in public.
  • Self Pity- It can portray you to your spouse as weak and it can be irritating to him or her.instead express your concerns and look for a creative way to resolve your challenges and move on.
  • Infidelity- This depends on alot of factors but in Africa we are willing to forgive our husbands when they have been unfaithful ,however that does not give him the licence to cheat on his wife On the other hand ,will the man be so willing to forgive the woman when she is caught cheating on him...No.
  • Lack Of Love-When there is no love lost between a man and his wife,it is better to just pack and go to hell than to be in that house for it is not a home of peace ,love and joy.