Monday 27 January 2014

Hope for Couples with Fertility Issues.

IVF  helps some people to  have babies while for some its just divine visitation from the Lord. As is the case of  Mrs Mary Abah Wife of Ex-Minister of Interior,Mr Humphrey Abah,who just had a baby after waiting on the Lord for 23 years.

She had done IVF six times and is in her menopausal stage as she is over 49 years old. she likened her story to the biblical story of Abraham and Sarah who had Issac in their old age. From the way she talks one can perceive that her relationship with her husband is great as they are friends. It takes alot for a couple to be friends when their relationship is being tested in such a way.Love,friendship and understanding plays a huge role in keeping the couple together.

There were some excerpts from her interview that got me thinking and gave me hope ,especially for those trusting God for the fruit of the womb. It is important to note and believe that God is the ultimate and that he is the greatest gynecologist ,he is the only one that can  open and close a woman's womb.

Regardless of whatever name the doctors gives a woman or man who has fertility challenges ,it is the report of God and an unwavering faith in him that will keep the couple going .As God showed himself in Mrs Mary Abah's situation when medically she was tagged infertile as she had reached menopause,will he not show himself  to those who are still fertile and trust him unconditionally?

It is well .

Here are some excerpts from her interview with the Punch Newspaper:

Question : In essence,you did not anticipate the challenge of having a baby?
No ,I didn't anticipate it.the truth is that as a young child who was brought up by a very strict mother, .I saw life as a bit of calculation:1+1=2 and 2+2=4.So if you got married ,you expect that after nine months as they you will have a child or children.My challenge has made me very sensitive to what parents and well wishers normally do at wedding ceremonies.During a wedding people start talking about gathering again fr a namimn ceremony  fter nine months.They say it as a joke but that is the genesis of pressure on married women,so if yours doesn't happen...
Question :Which was your first point of call,church or hospital?
By 1991 when we got married we became born again and the church had become a focal point and integral part of our lives. We were praying and fasting,good relationship with the leadership of the church had become part of our daily lives and so the church was always there for us.The church was never against consulting orthodox doctors.The only no-go area for us was to seek help outside God.So I think that was why very early in the journey of this crisis we knew that anything outside God was not an alternative to take at all.
Question Did you try IVF? 
Yes ,I did it many times,By the sixth time it was obvious that it could only be God that would help us.I f you look at the Bible,you realise that God uses what he has created to solve problems.sometimes it was a problem for me coming to terms even with IVF and particularly when i had done it once,twice and three times and it failed.I was thinking that maybe that was how God wanted me to go. Sometimes I would agonise over it I would pray and sometimes I would even face the battle with my God because I also understood that faith was also very important and faith involves work.I understood clearly that you need to activate your faith and so when I began to see the failure of IVF,I felt that was part of it,I would pray and move on,but each time it failed i was actually confused because in your journey as a Christian you grow little by little,you don't just become a mighty woman overnight.It is from the experiences and how you exercise the word of God that you become confident in what you are doing.
Question: During these times did you loose interest in having sex with your husband as most women who had faced similar experiences in the past would do?
 You see if you read the Bible clearly there was one woman who had a baby without sex and that is Mary,the Mother of Jesus.All of us can't be like Mary.So where is your action and where is your faith?You must work with your faith.There is nothing about faith that is easy ,you understand spiritually that the physical aspect must be part of that journey,then you must keep the fire burning,must keep trying because without it you cannot get pregnant.So you must find ways you keep going and with that,what you are asking from God will materialise.If not,you are wasting your time and you cannot blame God who said Ï have made man,I have made woman for creation"Out of it,the next generation and you sitting down to say you have lost interest ,then do not blame God at the end of the day.You will work and whether you like it or not find time to make way and the Lord will see you through.I think he has shown us that it is good nit to give up.
Question: How did you feel when you were told  you were pregnant?
When they told me I was pregnant I screamed and cried in the hospital and everyone present rose up and gave thanks to God.Since then ,the story has been one testimony after another,but that was not all,when i was toput to bed I was told that there might be complications as a result of all the
How did you feel when you were told that you were pregnant?When they told me I was pregnant, I screamed and cried in the hospital and everyone present rose up and gave thanks to the Lord. Since then, the story has been one testimony after another. But that was not all, when I was to put to bed, I was told there might be complications as a result of all the operations I had done. They said that might make it a very difficult and dangerous birth. Yet, the Lord saw me through. It feels great and I thank the Lord for wiping away my tears and making me a mother at last. It is a dream I have had since I married at the age of 27. Now, I am more than 49 years old, it has taken a long time but the Lord has done it for me. I have shed a lot of tears. Our story is like that of Abraham and Sarah. I am already in menopause  but I told God that if He did it for Sarah and gave her womb the strength to conceive, then He would give my womb the same strength. Even when doctors in London told me in 2011 that nothing could be done, I knew that it is only Him (the Lord) that could help me. I focused on the Lord and He did it for me.

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