Tuesday 14 January 2014

Ways to Attract Your Husband

The days of being the modest old fashioned stoic wife was in the past. Due to the trend of today's generation,we the ladies are mindful of how our dear husbands look at us,as much as we are dutiful mothers and wives ,we also have to strike a balance between the old and the new trend to suit our generation of men.

Below are the following ways to attract our Husbands, so lets switch on our light bulb of sex appeal :

  • Confidence:  Men love it when their women exude confidence ,with high self esteem it always brings a smile when his wife is admired by others.A woman who has confidence, trusts' her man and does not feel insecure when he is talking to a beautiful woman at a party. 
  • Neatness: Its not okay when we let ourselves go and not take a bath early in the morning and late at night before going to bed.We need to smell nice for our man at all times ,not sweaty and stinky .Some women with body odour also bless people with the natural "fragrance" of their body which could be  a huge turn off when the husband when he sees strangers acting strange through their body language and avoiding the wife. So lets be neat by keeping our homes clean and take to being more conscious of our personal hygiene in every ramification. It is a huge turn on when your husband sees you smelling nice .
  • Be Caring:  Being attentive to your husband is one sole attribute that when its withdrawn causes a rift between spouses.It gives a man joy to see and know that his wife cares for him.It attracts her to him more because he knows that he is loved.
  • Be his friend: Do not judge your man when he makes mistakes and he is remorseful and apologizes,accept and let it go.Be there to console  him and cheer him up when he is feeling down.He will appreciate you and love you more.
  • Be a Fashionista: Being a fahionista does not mean you should wear expensive designer labels of clothes or jewelries,no it simply means that you can be trendy in a simple neat way and still look nice and attractive to him.We all know that sexy item that we have got that makes us irresistible to our man.In the days of old, our mothers wore wrappers across their chest and our fathers tied wrapper around their waist ,to them that was sexy . So we all know what works for our spouses , if its a pair of nice fitted leggings ,shorts,gown ,jeans etc. Being well dressed makes our husbands attracted to us and boost our confidence as well.
  • Wear make up: You do not have to be loud with your make up but use the eye liner,lipstick/lip gloss, mascara to high light your facial features and enhance your look.
  • Maintain your shape: Being in shape is very vital.Men have different taste in women that is why we are all wonderfully made to suit the specifics of a given man. Maintaining what attracted your man to you is important,as it keeps your marriage,relationship and love alive and spicy 
  • Do not be the town's voice-Gossip: Most women are guilty of being gossips but some carry it a notch further by being the town's voice .Such women are known to be quite knowledgeable about what is happening in their immediate environment.Making other people's business their business in a negative way.It is not an attractive attribute to have and it makes a woman less attractive to her man.
  • Do Not Nag: This is a very dicey one as its difficult. When a woman has been hurt by her man, it is better to take some time and think about the situation and how to address it.It is not ideal to talk about  it repeatedly and aggressively because you are trying to get your man's attention ,as its a huge turn off for men. The best approach is to pick a quiet time to talk to him with gentility.
  • Be Spiritual: Men love it when their woman is prayerful,it is a very attractive quality as it means that she is God fearing and there is some one to intercede on his behalf to the Father.You know there are some men who love God but do not go to church because they believe their wife is representing them.
  • Be Adventurous in Bed : This is the physical way the man and woman expresses their feelings for one another with their body.The man expresses his desire for sex as frequently as possible and we refuse to yield because we are tired,if we do not yield to them ,they will go and get the action they need somewhere else . Do not complain because you gave him a reason to be unfaithful to you. If you are very tired you can make a promise that you will make it up to him in the morning or the nearest time in the future, it will give him something to look forward to. Flirt with your man when you want him do not assume the conservative notion that he should only be the one to make the move on you.Seek him out even though you do not have sex ,it shows that you desire to be with him and that is healthy for your relationship and future as Man and wife. 

  Dear UNDHW do you agree?

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