Monday 27 January 2014

Showing Love While Upset!

Often times our spouse upset us  however, just because they have upset us does not mean that we have stopped loving them but simply means that we get to understand their personality better,and remember same way they upset us we are not perfect,we upset them as well.

Knowing and understanding each other is not a day,a month or a year thing but a life time.That is why marriage is a life time commitment.

You know that moment that you have messed up so bad that your spouse wants to throw you out the window ,It is at this juncture that you walk on tip toe or sulk or get angry  (as we call it gragra) .

The nature of a man with his wife is complex and  uncomprehendable even as it is written in the bible that no one understands the way of a man with a maiden.Therefore having an incite into who your spouse is also accepting your partner with all his /her flaws and that is what LOVE is all about.

Being able to still show care while we are upset at our loved ones is love.Sometimes its so difficult to let go of the pain but when we feel something is wrong with our said spouse we will do everything to make sure we make it right. Let us promote love,peace and harmony in our home.

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