Saturday 11 January 2014

Caught between the War of the Oghenes

Time and time again cases of third party settling disputes between a husband and wife and is hit by an object meant for the spouse.

This calls to mind the question ,is it okay to come between a couple exchanging blows while they are at each other's throat?

Do you agree with me that  it has its pros and cons .It could actually stop the man and woman from killing each other in the of course their heated misunderstanding, as they could resolve to the use of objects as weapons in defending themselves or attacking their spouse.

However,its disadvantageous, when the settler becomes the in victim of their love war.It reminds me of the story of Mr and Mrs Oghene who were always having misunderstandings.

On this particular day, the clatter of steel coming from the apartment was worse than before,so a neighbour Mrs Jato who is close to the couple decided wade in. As she knocked, the door was opened by Mrs Oghene who was looking very ruffled . As she steeped into the apartment,it was in disarray as their electrical gadgets have all been destroyed by Mrs Oghene .

 Mrs Jato tried to calm the couple but to no avail .Still screaming and raining insults on her husband she made a lunge at Mr Oghene to slap him, but he ducked and she slapped Mrs Jato who was standing behind Mr Oghene,right across the face.

Mrs Oghene still not phased ,crying ,frustrated that she let loose on the wrong person dashed into the kitchen to get a knife and ran out of the apartment still screaming saying, 
"You want to mess with me ,Greg, let me see you carry women in this car again"
and  she slashed the four car tyres and broke the windscreen of her husband's car.

When Mr Oghene saw what his wife was up to, he dashed into their bedroom shouting back at his wife saying,"This woman I will sell all your gold jewelries to fix my car.Nonesense!'.

The neighbour  Mrs Jato ,after the slap from Mrs Oghene,was confused and alarmed yet she stayed on, to try to resolve the differences between them,yet they did not listen to her and still went on their rampage to prove to each other who was more crazy.

Mrs Oghene went after the husband to stop him from getting hold of her jewelries with knife still in hand.. Mrs Jato seeing the knife ran after Mrs Oghene and while trying to get the knife out of her hand  Mrs Jato was incidentally stabbed in her mid palm.

This got the attention of both Mr and Mrs Oghene, who immediately administered first aid to Mrs Jato and had to rush her to the nearest clinic as she was bleeding profusely.Though Mrs Jato achieved her aim of stopping the couple from killing each other but she became the victim.

There, I ask again ,"Is it okay to come between a couple exchanging blows while they are at each other's throat? " Was  Mrs Jato wrong going to the aid of her family friend and neighbour?.

What makes a couple so angry that they get so violent , that they destroy what they must have built together over a period of time in a split second of anger and hatred. Only for them to make up and start all over again  investing time and resources into replacing what has been destroyed.

Food for Thought 

As difficult as it may seem , Couples should learn to manage their anger when having misunderstandings .Not only for their spouses sake but also for their own sake. No one wants a home the aura exudes, lack of peace and love.

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