Sunday 12 January 2014

The Strength of a Woman

A woman is like a Teabag. You never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water-Eleanor Roosevelt

Its been known for centuries that when a woman is determined and focus ,she goes all out to achieve that which she requires to acquire.

Women have brought about the rise and fall of men and empires.Does the negative out weigh the positive ?
I think " No" ,because they have also contributed to the growth of the world in every ramification.

As a demoralized young Spinster ,whose heart has been broken time and time again, whose trust in men and people have been destroyed. Who saw her father use her mother as a punching bag,and was rejected by her father. She keeps her confidence alive,finds strength in her faith and looks for new love not dwelling in past disappointments .She strives to better than she was before and make a positive impact on herself and those around her. 

From the home front,she marries ,takes care of the home, then gets pregnant, lives through the joy of nine months  and,bearing the joyful pain at childbirth all for love.

After child birth, she grooms her children to be of good character .Amazing that in almost all clime of the world a man  never takes the mother for granted because they are aware of the sacrifices that she has made for just being their mother.So if a woman is a good wife, a good man will also realise that and love her too.

As a wife, she cares for her the husband by making the ambiance in the home peaceful.As the home is a place of balance and  peace,where after the day's hustle & craze, the man and children can run to, for comfort. After being pampered the man's psyche balance, enabling him face the next day of life's battle.

Professionally at work,she is the epitome of professionalism. She works as hard as a man, if not harder to gain the respect of her peers,subordinates and clients in her chosen profession. She strikes a balance between the home front and the job as she juggles the shifts .

As an Abused woman, after she has been beaten ,battered,raped physically,emotionally,psychologically,she still draws strength from within her,and finds the will to keep walking despite her broken body.She has the determination to succeed and rise above her pain.As battered as she looks is how great her inner strength is.

As a prayerful Woman she is a force to reckon with. It is not only known religious women that are strong prayer warriors but the average woman who sits at home and prays fervently on her knees is a prayer warrior. As the saying goes"I want to be that woman that when I wake up in the morning ,the devil says Oh no she is up again!" .Need I say more.

As a Leader,she proffers solutions intelligently with subtle hardness and aggression as she will be motherly,humane,hard and objective in her dealings.Her inputs are given cognizance economically,politically and socially.

The enigma called woman is oxymoronic.She is a balance of many attributes with alot of emotions bottle up.She is stoical,determined,enigmatic,confident,aggressive and loving.She soars like an eagle and hunts like a hawk.The depth of the strength of a woman is astonishing ,aren't you proud to be a woman !Indeed Women were perfectly made by God.

If you are a Woman Please Stand UP!

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