Thursday 23 January 2014

Being married and Having The Opposite Sex as Close Friends

This is a topic that is very sensitive,most spouse(s) end up having jealous fits over this issue.It takes alot of trust ,maturity and tolerance on the part of the other partner  to accept that the spouse has a close friend or friends of the opposite sex.

Is it okay for a wife and mother to have close male friends and vice versa? Having friends of the opposite sex is not a crime but having them too close ,could result to erupting emotions that might want to be explored by both parties.

Having friends of the opposite sex could be advantageous and disadvantageous. Which brings about the question, " Does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage? " 

A female having a male close friend is okay ,but when they interact at all times and odd hours, especially when one or both are married ,it could be suspicious.

Is it possible for a man to be "just friends" as we tend to call it ,with a married woman without having his emotions entwined in the web of love and vice versa?

It is vital to note that while men ACT,women REACT.It is what & how a woman is treated that she gives in return because women are emotional and instinctive by nature.

Therefore it is possible that a woman or man who tremendously enjoys the company of a particular individual of the opposite sex ,is likely to have an emotional attachment that could develop into an inappropriate relationship.

It is okay to have a close friend of the opposite sex ,he/she will be able to give an objective insight to situations ,however it is not healthy for the  married to have close friends of the opposite sex ,due to human nature for various reasons .  

Having said that ,it is paramount to note that everyone is looking for a friend in their spouse,one who will laugh & cry with them,listen to them,feel their joy & pain,triumphs & failures,basically just to be in sync with them. If one has all of these in their spouse ,though their partner(s) could have a friend of the opposite sex but will be able to filter information and save the best and most important for his /her spouse .

It is common knowledge that communication is an important tool in a marriage,being married to one who is a friend as well as a lover is a gift ,do not bring in a third party in the name of a  knowing what your husband /wife is thinking or wanting to have free space to explore another  company apart from your husband/wife.That way indeed the saying, "What God has joined together let no man put asunder", will always be a reality in the marriage..

Do you agree?


  1. A word is enough for the wise.

  2. It depends on the ppl involved ,but like you said ,they might get emotionally involved it is best not to test the waters.It is best to be close but not too close
