Friday 17 January 2014

My Sister's Husband wants me

Dear UNDHW, Got this mail from a lady ,whose story is below.
 For the purpose of this story i would rather pick fictitious names to protect the identity of my family .My name is Matilda,I came to Lagos to live with my elder sister Mrs Amarachi  Okoye and her husband Barrister Nduka  Okoye . I came to Lagos after my NYSC in search of  a job.
Uncle Nduka  said that I should come work in his law chamber assisting his secretary who is soon to be on maternity leave, pending when I get something else.I was so happy since I felt like a liability to my sister always asking her for money.
I started work in my in law's chamber  and could not be happier as my friends who came to Lagos in search of a job have told me a lot of tales  about the exploits they had encountered in the city of Lagos.  
Sister Amarachi was nice enough to tell her husband that I should join him to work everyday, since i did n't know my way around in town. So I went to work with Brother Nduka but came back on my own as he gets home very late.
 Brother Nduka  was always nice to me as well.He gave me money for my up keep aside from my salary.He made life so comfortable for me,I could afford to buy what ever I wanted that was trendy.
Soon I started working late because the secretary had gone on maternity leave ,sometimes get got home 10pm or 11 pm because I didn't get off on time.,and it got worse as time went by.
One day, he kept me back late that he wanted some documents ready that he will be taking to court the next day. As usual I sorted the documents and when they were ready I took it into his office,as I walked in,he was smoking cannabis and the room was reeking of  it, and i was wondering how come i did not smell it earlier.As shocked as I  was I didn't express it,I dropped it on his table for corrections but he was staring me,his eyes all glazed from being as high as kite on his weed.
As i turned to go he called me back still keeping his stare steady on me and asked,"Matilda are you a virgin?'
I was so dumbfounded that all I could mutter was "No sir, I have a boyfriend"
He replied ,"that is good so you are not naive and come sit on my lap". 
I responded "ah  Brother Nduka,I don't  understand Sir"
He said, "okay" and stood up and and walked over to the door and locked it still keeping  eye contact with me and said "I will take care of you better than before I promise all you have to do is to be with me and don't tell your sister I will give you  everything you need.

To Be Continued...

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