Friday 17 January 2014

How Sex Boosts One's Health

The sex in  role of  sex in marriage goes beyond the physical pleasure ,it transcends to the total being of the lovers .Good healthy sex is essential for a wonderful healthy relationship as man and wife.

Sex helps to boost the partners health in different ways  and they are as follows:

Enables you to sleep better: After a hard day at work,you find that you are still tensed up unknowingly and find it difficult to to go sleep even though you are tired and have retired to bed for the night,but after having sex they just roll over and fall asleep!

Reduces Stress level: When one is tensed up and stressed out with daily issues a big dose of love making will help reduce the stress. A Study has also proved that people who frequently have sex can handle stress better.

Relieves Pain: Study has proved that the hormone oxytocin increases by five times when one is about to have an orgasms.This endorphin actually reduces aches and pain .So a headache or pain before sex can be cured by having sex.

Increases Blood circulation:It cleanses the body system ,due to the fact that the heart beat rate increases while having sex,fresh blood are supplied to your organs and cells. While the used blood is removed,the body also expels toxins and other materials in the body that makes you fatigued.

Enhances Physical Fitness: Going to the gym for a good work out session of two hours  is a waste of time compared to the calories one burns with 30 minutes of hot steamy sex.

Promotes longevity: study has shown that the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) which is released when one has orgasm improves immunity,repairs tissue and keeps the skin healthy and Men who have at least two orgasm in a week live longer than men who have just once every few weeks.

Enhances cardiovascular health: In recent study,it was discovered that men who have sex more than twice a week ,have a lesser risk of getting heart attack as it lowers blood pressure,than men who have sex less than once a month.

Increases Immunity: Frequent sex increases the level of immune boosting anti body immunoglobinA (IgA) that makes the body stronger against illnesses such as cold and fever.

Improves the level s of Oestrogen and Testosterone: In men,the hormone testosterone is responsible for the men being very passionate in bed .It also improves the muscles, bones and keeps the heart healthy as well as keeping tabs on the cholesterol level.In women ,the hormone oestrogen protects them against disease as well as determines the her scent.The more she has sex,the higher her level of oestrogen which protects her against Alzhemeir and osteoporosis.Women who are frequent under the sheets have more regular menstrual cycles and promotes fertility.

See how wonderful sex not deny your husband or wife the pleasure of one another as well as for health reasons.Sex is a gift from God for us to enjoy and be healed both physically,psychologically and spiritually. 

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