Tuesday 4 February 2014

10 days to Valentine's Day

Its All About Showing Love

As the days roll by the buzz and gist of Valentine's day gathers momentum.It is gradually building up till it gets to its crescendo on the 14th day of February.

Dear husbands and wives what are we doing for our spouses on that day? Yes we all show love everyday to our spouses ,but that day has been set aside to celebrate and show  love in every ramification  to everyone ,anyone and to those we hold dear to our hearts.

Wives let us be careful not to upset our dear husbands this period ,so that we get our gifts and chocolates and of course ultimately spends the Valentine with us .Being a Friday I know its going to be a fun-filled day and night as its the beginning of the weekend.

No ' jibity /wayo'  fashioned against us on Valentine's day shall proper,we will stick to our darling husbands like glue.God Bless our marriages.

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