Thursday 13 February 2014

Part 1: For the Married ,Guidelines & Reality

As the saying goes,"experience is the best teacher".The taste of marriage is in the actual experience.There are different phases as published earlier ,in case you missed it ,please click  here .

The reality of marriage is different from anything that is written in books or taught in marriage classes before the wedding and it is not a fairy tale.These are just guidelines,like a handbook.  Guidelines are different from reality.

Find below, these said guidelines which in reality is a different ball game entirely ;

1) When you wake up,no matter how short or long the marriage is kiss her good morning,Don't Greet Her.
Reality-There are times one wakes up moody whether they have been married for a year or 10 years all days are not the same.Practically one should always acknowledge the spouse and tell the spouse how he/she is feeling.Especially if the spouse is not the observant type.Different strokes for different  folks.

2)  When he comes home DON'T SIT DOWN,stand u and meet at the door,a hug or kiss and ask how his day was for he spent most of it trying to make sure you have food on the the table. 
 Reality- It is  appropriate to do that but what if wife is in the kitchen,or doing household chores  or there  changing baby's diaper.
a) it is better to welcome him with a smile,if it is a norm to hug and kiss then it is appropriate he walks over to her.
b) Or she can say hello,tidy up to a point with whatever she is doing and  meet him in the privacy of their bedroom to give him a proper welcome.

3)Pray before you sleep.Together as a family always thank God.
Reality-Prayer is key in a home,yet not all families pray together. Alot of husbands and wives especially those that are extremely busy do not find time to pray together,due to their schedule.If they pray they do it alone most times.
b) What if the husband /wife is not the praying type.You find the wife or husband praying alone all the time
When they discuss as usual in or out of bed they can always just say 'thank you Lord'.As simple as that is,its powerful and says it all.

4)Daily no matter how tired you are, spend time to discuss how your day went.
Reality- This  part of communication is relative.Daily highs and lows are  usually at meal times or in bed or otherwise depends on the couple's routine.If they are apart then they can do it over the phone if they can.

5) Finding moments to encourage one another from the scriptures.
Reality- Finding time to encourage each other is important however its relative.Lets call a spade a spade .Studies have shown that 88.9% of wives are more prayerful and spiritual than their husbands except where the husband is a pastor.The practical solution is always pray for your husband and tell him quotes from the bible when ever u are trying to make a point.

To be continued...

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