Sunday 9 February 2014

Marriage Thoughts: Who Will make a better Spouse

Finding love or... 

Let us mess around with this thought.The thought that one should pick a spouse that possesses the bad qualities they would rather not have their spouse possess.It is like being stuck between the devil and the blue sea .

If all the men possessed either of the following qualities and the women were required to pick one ,which would they rather pick?
a) Drunk
d)A Wife Beater
e)A Man that loves to groove

Also if all the women possessed either of the following qualities and the men were required to pick , which would they rather pick?
a) Thief
b) Gossip
c) Cheat  or "Maniser" (permit me to use that word)
d) Liar
c)A party girl

1 comment:

  1. Though none is good, but I would rather choose the drunk. The man that loves to groove must be a drunk and a womanizer put together. I definitely dont want to go around with swollen face everyday. Then for the thief, he may end up stealing my joy. So the drunk all the way. I ll live my life peacefully without having to think of what my husband would say because he drunk always. .... who cares? Lol

    But I believe all men would choose the gossip wife. Reason? Men too like amebo and they enjoy a wife who gives them all the latest neighborhood gossip.
