Friday 14 February 2014

Part 2: For the Married,Guidelines & Reality

marriage like old wine gets better with age.

6}Celebrations -Anniversaries ,birthdays,valentines day,and other events that means alot to the couple should be celebrated. Have romantic dinners,go all out to make it count.for your spouse.
Reality- Most of them will say everyday is a day of love if it is valentines day,birthdays they could just wish you a happy birthday if they remember.Anniversary?...hmmm they could just say what matters is that we are together no need to waste money or time going anywhere.

7) Just because you are married ,does not mean that life has stopped.At least once a  month,take her out to dinner,spend the evening just the two of you nights are important in a marriage.
Reality -Hmm as much as date nights are important in a marriage,what if the spouse is not the outgoing type or there are limited funds in the home that, even buying  a cone of ice cream is an issue,or there is no one to take care of the children.
The practical solution is to get them something on the way back from work.Most ladies love  ice cream,cakes ,pizza  and the terms of going to the movies,they could buy the movie(s)  they want to see and watch all cuddled up on a sofa in the comfort of their home when the kids have gone to bed even if they sleep off while watching the movie,the most important thing is that they have their alone time.

8)Be proud of your husband/wife. Walk together holding hands,text your during the day.your husband /wife should be your best friend,be free.Ask silly questions like 'what are you having for lunch?','What would you like for supper?', 'Can I get you anything?','Oh I just called to say I miss you.' etc.
Reality-Now this is so amusing.Most times when you see husbands & wives walking ,the husband is always ahead of the other.The husband is always in a hurry forgetting that the wife  is as graceful as a cat as she she walks with pride and elegance especially when she is wearing heels. 
The practical thing is wife, lets husband walk as he pleases ,he can go ahead and secure a place for them while she joins him later.
The mood the spouse is in also determines why the spouse is walking ahead.It could be an emergency!
Sending messages could make the spouse suspicious,believe it or not ,when they get such messages they(wives) feel their spouse has been up to a mischief  and wants forgiveness and if its the husband he feels the wife wants something and will be on his guard.

9) People get scared to talk about this,sex.Sex does destroy marriages.SATISFY your husband /wife sexually .So that your spouse is not tempted outside the marriage.It is a gift that can be perfectly enjoyed in holy matrimony.
Reality-In the honey stage ,sex is not a problem,but when things settle in the marriage then it becomes a problem.There are cases of alot of women who are engaging in extra marital affairs  because the husband is not performing in the bedroom department.Those who are not having affairs are frustrated sexually.
The practical thing is to have the days they have sex  and spice things up in the bedroom department so that they look forward to being with one another.

10) Everyday never forget to say "I love you " to your husband or wife at least 5 times a day.It never gets boring."I love you sweety",'good night my love".
Reality- hahahahahhahhahaha.This cracked ,me up so much I had tears in my eyes.It is okay to show your spouse how much he/she is appreciated,but to say it five times or more.The spouse will ask the other spouse spouse what is wrong .what mischief does he/she want forgiveness for.
The practical thing is say 'I love you "but back your sayings with actions .Show  through your actions how much you love your spouse.,by checking up on them when you are away from each other,showing correction with love etc.

11) Never go to bed angry,solve those arguments with love.Fight all you can but at the end ,remember to pray together.
Reality- Never go to bed angry ,HA! "NA LIE".Every couple has their off days.The fact is that when you go to bed angry ,it does not stop you guys from being cordial.Do not be so angry that you say things without filter that you can not take back after you have settled your differences.Always try to resolve your differences before it gets out of hand.

Find the Part 1 of For the Married ,Guidelines & Reality  here

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