Wednesday 5 February 2014

Husbands & Wives Beware of Paedophiles

Lets Keep The Innocence Of These Angels Safe
Believe it or not Paedophilia is on the increase .It is the apex of perversity in today's society,that pollutes not only the society but the victims especially,who will later merge into the society.

These children could be so scared that they can be dysfunctional.Dysfunctional children grow up to be dysfunctional husbands & wives  and wind up having dysfunctional children,and dysfunctional home.Thereby making it a concentric cycle.

Yes,these beautiful set of twin children's,lives was about to be destroyed forever by Brother Yusuf a neighbour & Akiba his friend.

If the incident is remembered by these children ,it could have adverse effect on them not only as children but also as adults.It is a wonder that the mother of the twin girls did not wait for Brother Yusuf, or track him down immediately she discovered his evil did,he would not have had the opportunity to assault the child /children one more time.

The likelihood that the twin six year old children did not comprehend what they had experienced sheds light on their innocence.At the age six they were defiled by the Brother Yusufu who is probably old enough to be their father.

Oprah Winfrey,the Queen of talk shows said, she was assaulted sexually by a family member of her's,when she only nine years old,she said she had not seen him or spoken to since the incident, but after she started her show,she decided to give him a call .Only for him to tell her that ,he did not want to talk to her about the incident ,that he was married with kids now .He did not even apologise to the little girl in Oprah Winfrey that he defiled to give her closure and facilitate the healing process for her as an adult.How insensitive is that!

It is so disheartening that, this is happening to our jewels every day.Parents lets be very vigilant and talk to our children about the private parts of their body as young as four or five years old ,and delve into details as they grow older.As the world is evolving and children are exposed to all ,manners of people and things.So that the Brother Yusufus of the world will not steal the innocence of  our children.

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