Saturday 8 February 2014

Help My Friend's Husband's Voluptuous Mistress is living with them

Her Tears Shows Her pains caused by HIM

Hmmm  got the mail below from a lovely lady who decided to share something that happened to a neighbour of hers'.This is something that happens everyday  with wives that have irresponsible men  as husbands, whose trust has been taken for granted by these men.

The story goes thus;

This is a true life story .A married man came home one day ,begged his wife to please accommodate a distant cousin of his who just came from the ease and needed a place to spend the night.The 'submissive' wife accepted the husband's request and the man brought the supposed cousin home. 
Three weeks passed ,the man's wife started feeling uncomfortable with the strange cousin,who was not making any attempt to go.One night ,getting to a month ,she started sensing some strange activities between her husband and the supposed cousin.She called her husband's attention to the long stay of his cousin and her husband in response told the wife to move out of the house if she can not stay with the strange cousin and that the cousin has come to stay. 
From the gist I gathered that the cousin now goes around the house freely,she goes out freely with him,cooks fro him,handles his laundry while his wife seats at home crying and watching television with their one year old child . 
A beautiful matured cousin who the wife did not know before ,speaks the same language with man as she is a non -native and now the man 's attitude has changed towards the wife. 
Please kindly comment ,did the woman do wring  by being the dutiful ,submissive wife and trusting her husband by consenting to his request? What should be her next course of action now?Please help


  1. I really don't understand some women! Does d wife have to remain there? She shld take her son and leave! Or is she waiting til she is poisoned? Pls Marriage is not a do or die affair!

  2. I get really mad reading such things. Are women really that dumb? What is she waiting for? She should leave and go get herself a better life! Shhhhh, is her life tied to the marriage? If yes, then she needs to get a life! Rubbish
