Thursday 6 February 2014

Husbands & Wives As Parents What Do We Fail To Teach Our Children

They are the simple moral values that ,we were brought up on that we as parents are failing to teach our children.

Parents are so busy trying to provide the materialistic needs for the children that we fail to provide the moral needs and values. As it is written in the bible, "train up a child the way he will go, so that when he grows up he will not depart from it."

The following are some major values if inculcated into our children they will turn out right:
  • Love
  • Respect for elders and themselves.
  • Benefit of hard work by having morning chores at home
  • Humility,this is a great virtue in man or child,When one is humble ,he will be exulted. 
  • Gratitude by saying thank you and appreciating what has been done for him or her
  • Discipline as it said "spare the rod and spoil the child"
  • Perseverance so that they will value what ever they have
  • Attitude ,based on how they behave with people and handle challenges they experience as grow older
  • Speaking the dialect of their origin for example, the Indians though they speak English but they always communicate in their native tongue,wherever they are.
  • And Religion-believing in God

Parents have also neglected certain psychological responsibilities,which I stated  here,but now we are going to have an in-depth explanation of what these emotional & psychological responsibilities are.

While I was hitting my teen,my dad called my brothers and I and had a lecture about with us about the difference between a Leader and a Boss.

He said,A Leader leads by example and earns the respect of his counterparts and subordinate while the Boss leads not by example and instills fear into his subordinates and counterparts.That lecture has played an important role in molding me into who I am today.Thank you Dad!

The following are such responsibilities that molds children towards the right path:

  • It entails a good relationship with the children so that they can talk to you about anything
  • Being a good example to the children
  • Listen to the children's body language and what they say when they think you are not there or listening
  • Use of foul languages in front of your children,for they pick up bad habits faster than they pick up good ones
  • Let them know what you expert from them e.g passing their exams within a certain grade 
  • Do not curse the children or judge them, it makes them feel useless to themselves .If they do ,then they might believe what has been said about them and they will strive to be exactly what you have cursed them on for the power of the Tongue has life or death.

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