Tuesday 11 February 2014

Husbands & Wives in Phases of Marriage

Marriage is just like wine that gets better as it gets older,the older the wine the higher the value of the wine as it passes through the fermenting stage till it gets to the the age that its unique. Marriage is a life long journey that ,that will surely be tested as it progresses.

It has different phases that will need to be understood by those who are travelling the route.

The different stages are as follows:
Phase 1- Passion-This is the honeymoon stage.The couple are all lovey dovey.The romance in this stage is intense and sweet.The intimacy at this stage prepares the couple for children .
Solution: While lust ,and the romps are good at this stage ,it is vital that they do not loose focus of who they are outside the bedroom walls.They should establish the friendship and companionship that will take them through the stages to come in the future.

Phase 2 - Reality- This is the realization phase.It is the phase of accepting  one's spouse as the couple gets to know who the each other for real.This stage is full of disappointments and conflicts .This stage is inevitable in a marriage .
Solution: To resolve or get through this stage ,frequent discussion is needed and the couple will need to listen to each other-Communication.

Phase 3- Conflicting Ideas-This stage is unavoidable as well in a marriage.The couple could experience the need to do other things  as they feel they are missing out on the things that is essential to their being able to function as a couple.These things are relative such as she wants a career,he wants to her to be at his beck and call;she feels stifled and wants to go out more often ,he wants to hang out with the boys .
This could be termed the make or break stage in the marriage,though marriages can be dissolved at any time but this is the foundation of the couple accepting each other's weaknesses.
Solution : They should have a common ground and develop individual avenues to let out their steam .They have to learn to have agreements and stick to it .keeping promises and not talk down or ignore their spouse.

Phase 4 Comfortable Cooperation- The couple having survived the above stages ,have settled into their routine.Things get complicated in their lives as a couple as things gets less spicy in the bedroom department.They have bills to pay,go to work,above all care for their children .
Solution : They have to not loose sight that before they were parents they were a couple and that the kids will one day leave the house .What then?They have to keep their passion for each other alive.have date nights when ever they can.

Phase 5 -Reunion-The couple are done with parenting and their financial burden has been reduced.They are settled into their fields of career path ,and are rediscovering themselves as friends,companions and seekers.
Solution:With so much time in your hands now.find time to reignite good old memories.,plan a trip or give yourselves treats.

Phase 6-Explosion- This is a very unpredictable stage in a marriage.It could be due to job loss,health challenges,financial troubles as the couple settles into the marriage routine.It can happen at anytime in a marriage.The couple could be going through a life changing experience that could affect their marriage for a day,a year, or a life time.
Solution: Finding solace in one another is paramount to dealing with this situation.Find joy in daily activities ans keep yourselves happy and healthy as best as you can while facing these challenges.

Phase 7 -Completion- This is the stage of achievement and security in your marriage
Action-create a project that will keep you both happy and bring you together.

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