Tuesday 4 February 2014

Being Married,Is It Better Than Being Single?

The Rose represents love.Val is in the air.

Being married is it better than being Single?

There was an argument amongst my friends who said they would not trade their married status for being single.That if they had known they would have been married a long time ago,but then maybe their husbands would not be the wonderful men they are to them today.

Being happy in a marriage is relative,it depends on what makes the couple tick and the level of contentment in the marriage.

Contentment goes a long way in a marriage,as it keeps the husband or wife in check .They would rather settle for their spouse than go out there to get what they already have at home.The probability that the spouse might get trouble rather than have peace if he /she is cheating on the spouse is high.

There are a few major factors the singles do not know they can enjoy in the marriage ,which are the following:

  • Companionship- As one grows older,one comprehends the way of the world and will rather have one special person to share everything with.The joys ,pains ,laughter etc that way one's business is not all over town.
  • Affluence-Wealth is relative,its not all about money though money is very important and plays a major role in a marriage.This brings about the three types of homes in marriages,(a).One that could have all the money but have no peace   (b)one that could have no money but haver peace (c) One that has enough money(comfortable) and has peace & happiness.
  • Love- Love enables the couple appreciate and tolerate the imperfections of their spouse and rather than look at it with irritation and disdain it brings a smile and creates a fondness in the heart of the spouse.This creates an atmosphere of peace ,in-depth  knowledge of one another,that is priceless in a marriage.
  • Focus- Marriage makes one more focus on certain primary goals.such as one not spending funds on luxury items that can be avoided or frivolous living.It directs one's path to issues that are of basic concerns in life such as ,spending funds on acquiring assets ,investing in their future and that of their children with a focus for a better tomorrow.
  • Team- The home becomes a team of its own,with primary players being the husbands and wives.For they jointly take decisions together (for two good heads are better than one) basically for the good of the family .If its not beneficial to the family its a no go area.This is called sacrifice.
If they had been single they would not have had these joys & pains,highs & lows and appreciation for having a family.

Yes of course ,being married is priceless especially when you are married to the right person that makes you feel content and happy that you with him or her.

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