Saturday 15 February 2014

Lessons for Husbands & Wives as Parents

Children are quite perceptive ,believe it or not.They know when things are not right at home.They can tell when something is wrong  and out of the usual at home .They learn from those at home faster, than they would want to imagine.

Children are so talented that when you put them with adults ,they start acting like adults because they are very good copy cats.

For this sole reason  as well as others ,we have to watch what we say ,how we act or what we do,in front of the children. The use of foul language is always prohibited in front of the children that is why as parents & guardians we have to lead by example,for our children depict who we are.

How  husbands and wives relate with themselves in front of the children is paramount to the moulding of the child.Do they use the magic words such as ,'please' & 'thank you',or do they scream at each other all the time ,when talking to each other.Do they show love,anger or indifference?

How they relate enables children to learn,the following:

  • Respect -in dealing with elders and peers
  • Selflessness -by learning to make sacrifices in other to be of help 
  • Confidence -Individual confidence in their capabilities
  • Commitment - loyalty to those they love and commitment to whatever they set their mind to achieve.thereby making them better adults.

So lets get it right so that the future will be bright.

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